1 Month
- Able to raise head from surface while lying on tummy.
- Pays attention to some ones face in his or her direct line of vision.
- Moves arms and legs in an energytic manner.
- Likes to be held rocked.
2 Months
- Smiles and coos.
- Rolls part way to side when lying on back.
- Grunts and sighs.
3 Months
- Eyes follow a moving object.
- Able to hold head erect.
- Grasps when placed in hand.
- Babbles.
4 Months
- Holds a rattle for an extended period of time.
- Laughs out loud.
- Sits supported for short periods of time.
- Recognizes bottle and familiar faces.
5 Months
- Reaches for and holds objects.
- Stands firmly when held.
- Stretches out arms to be picked.
- Likes to play peek-a-boo
6 Months
- Turns over from back to stomach.
- Turns towards sound.
- Sits with a little support (one hand bracing him or her).
- Persistently reaches for objects out of reach.
- Listens to own voice.
- Crawls and squeals.
- Reaches for and grasps and brings them to mouth.
- Holds, sucks, bites,cookie or cracker- begins chewing.
7 Months
- Can transfer objects from one hand to another.
- Can sit for a few minutes without support.
- Pats and smiles at own image in mirror.
- Creeps(pulls body forward with arms and leg kicks).
- Is shy at first with strangers.
8 Months
- Can sit steadily for about five minutes.
- Crawls (on hands and knees).
- Grasps things with thumb and first two fingers.
- Likes to be near parents.
9 Months
- Says ma- ma or da-da.
- Responds to his or her name.
- Can stand for a short time while holding onto support.
- Able to hit two objects together.
- Mimics sounds.
10 Months
- Able to pull self up at side of creep or play pen.
- Can drink from a cup when helped.
11 Months
- Can walk while holding onto furniture.
- Can find an object placed under another object.
12 Months
- Waves bye- bye.
- Can walk with one hand held.
- Says two words besides ma-ma or da-da.
- Enjoys some solid foods.
- Finger feeds self.
- Likes to an audience.